Although it is easier to control the food of a baby toddler, you can feel free when it comes time to prepare the base for our little trip. By following these guidelines, viruses and ailments can be avoided.
1 bottled water is preferred
A common misconception is that the water, once boiled, shows no bacteria. The golden rule: prepare food or drinks with bottled water. In addition, if our baby has not been vaccinated against hepatitis A, do not give him vegetables or fruits without skin or which have not been cleaned by us, lettuce, for example, or food restaurant.
2. make homemade purees
Exotic getaway, one often has to accommodate very different from our own eating habits. This can become a problem since it is sometimes impossible to find purees in pots or suitable baby foods that meet our standards. Our advice? Bring a coffee grinder to make our own baby food. But beware: all meat, all fruit and vegetable all must have been previously boiled and mixed with bottled water.
3. brings your own grain
We did not win enough grain, and after scouring every conceivable grocery stores, we did not manage to find? The solution: do it yourself. It is a safe and easy way to provide your child with the necessary fiber. you will just buy brown rice, barley or oats - whichever baby is already integrated into your diet - grind with a coffee grinder and boil everything. The only catch: the house cereals do not contain the amount of iron added in commercial preparations.
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